Visualize your massive data with Impala and Redash

Redash is a famous OSS visualization tool, which enables to visualize your data with SQL. It supports Apache Impala (incubating), fast SQL-on-Hadoop suitable for BI tools and exploratory analysis. With Impala, you can query SQLs to tables on Amazon S3.

In this post, we connect to Impala from Redash and visualize data.

Set up Redash

You can set up Redash with various way. This time, I use AMI for Redash. Then, you can access with your browser with admin/admin.

Add Data Source of Impala

After clicking Database icon, you can add data sources.

This time, I set configurations as follows:

Example configuration
Example configuration
Example configuration

  • Type: Impala
  • Database: default
  • Host: hostname of Impala daemon
  • Ldap_password/user: (empty)
  • Port: 21050 (default port)
  • Please specify beeswax or hiveserver2: hiveserver2
  • Timeout: 3600
  • Use_ldap: (empty)

Now, you can select Impala as a data source.

Result of Impala query
Result of Impala query
Result of Impala query

Aki Ariga
Aki Ariga
Principal Software Engineer

Interested in Machine Learning, ML Ops, and Data driven business. If you like my blog post, I’m glad if you can buy me a tea 😉

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